Bottlebrush planted in honor of Dale

Created by Hansen 11 years ago
On Saturday night, Cheasty and I watched The Oldest Tree to remember Dale. In the narration, Dale explains that the leaves of the bristlecone pine look like a bottlebrush. On Sunday morning, we took a gift certificate to Shoal Creek Nursery that Cat and Frank gave me for a birthday gift. We bought a bottlebrush bush and planted it in our yard in honor of Dale. It is in a pocket of the yard between the dining room, living/laundry room, and back bathroom. You can see it through the windows of all three rooms. Once it grows, we will be able to admire it as we eat at the dining room table. The bottlebrush should grow to eight feet tall and six feet wide with bright red blooms. I think it will grow well here and is a very hardy plant for Texas weather. It will add life, color and beauty to a section of the yard that was previously bare - much like Dale did with his art, gardening, and playful outlook on life. Dale was a heck of a gardener and I think he would approve of a plant as a way to remember him. I think he would also tell us all to keep having fun, playing games, and causing mischief. I miss him so much, as we all do. Hansen
